A Guide to Preparing Manuscripts for
ASA University Review (ISSN 1997-6925)
Please read these Guidelines with care and attention: failure to follow them may result in your paper being delayed. ASA University Review considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to ASA University Review, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication, nor in press elsewhere. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged all costs which the journal incurs, and their papers will not be published.
1. The Editor welcomes original articles which fall within the aims and scope of the Journal, and which are as concise as the subject matter and research method permit. Where possible the text should be restricted to around 5000-8000 words
2. Copyright in all contributions to the Journal will be vested in the ASA University Review.
3. Prof. Dr. Abu Daud Hasan is the current Chief Editor of ASA University Review. Therefore, all manuscripts should be submitted to:
Preparation of Manuscripts
4. Submission of a paper or research note implies that it contains original work which has not been published previously, and that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
5. Manuscripts should be typed (uses a 12-point font Times New Roman) double-spaced on one side of the paper only. All illustrations, whether tables, figures or diagrams, are referred to as Tables/Figures and are numbered sequentially. Please place them at the main body of the paper, rather than place them at the end of the paper. Each table or figure should bear an arabic number and a title, and should be reasonably interpretable without reference to the text. Footnotes should be avoided if possible; where they are used they should be numbered consecutively with superscript arabic numerals. Three hard copy along with soft files should together be included in the electronic version emailed to the editor of journal. Please assist us by following these guidelines:
- Title: as short as possible.
- Abstract: approximately 150-200 words. This should summarize the whole paper and not the conclusions alone. To assure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves, directly or indirectly, in the text.
- Keywords: approximately 10 words or phrases.
- Address: position, department, name of institution, full postal and email addresses, along with the telephone, Cell and E-mail where possible.
- FRONT PAGE. The title of the paper, plus the names, affiliation, and complete addresses and e-mail of authors, an abstract and keywords.
- TEXT PAGES. The text of the paper, including text, references and notes, tables, figure captions, figures, but without the names of authors.
6. Hypotheses should normally be presented in the positive rather than the null form, so that each hypothesis states the result that is expected if the prior theoretical development is supported by the empirical evidence. However, where a null result provides support for a theoretical position or where no prior expectation exists, the null form is appropriate. Care should be taken to state clearly how standard statistical tests were applied (e.g. one- or two-tailed). Where possible, statistical significance should be stated to the nearest percentage point (e.g. p < 0.04) rather than at conventional levels of significance.
7. Literature citations should be made in a uniform style in text and follow the Harvard System with (Name, Date) in the text and an alphabetical list of references at the end of the manuscript, thus: In the text: (Hamid, 1996) or (Hamid, 1996:17).
At the end of the article: Hamid, S. (1996). Why Women Count: Essays on Women in Development in Bangladesh (1st edition). The University Press Ltd: Dhaka. Roberts, J. and Scapens, R. (1985). "Accounting Systems and Systems of Accountability: Understanding Accounting Practices in Their Organizational Context", Accounting, Organizations and Society, pp. 443-456.
Literature citations should be made in a uniform style in text and follow the standard procedure, thus: In the text: (http://en.wikipedia.org). At the end of the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusement_park (Retrieved on: 03.11.2007).
Works by the same author should be listed in order of publication. Where reference is made to more than one work published by the same author in a single year, a suffix, a, b, etc. should follow the date, thus: (Hossain, 1989b). If an author's name is mentioned in the text, it need not be repeated in the citation, thus "Ahmed (2006: 10) claims that...."
"Ibid." (and the like) are not used when repeating citations. Simply repeat the original citation verbatim, e.g. (Khan, 2005).
Multiple citations within a text should appear in the same order as in the reference list, e.g. (Ahmed 2006; Hasan 1995, 1998a, b; Islam 2005; Smith 2006).
"et al." may be used in citations within the text when a paper or book has three or more authors, but note that the first five names should be given the first time the work is cited, as per APA style and in the reference itself all authors should be named.
8. All papers must be written in UK or US English but not mixed. All authors are asked to take account of the diverse audience of ASA University Review. Some specific points of style for the text of articles, research reports, case studies, reports, essay reviews, and reviews follow:
9. Any acknowledgements - specified or anonymous - authors wish to make should be included in a separate headed section at the end of the manuscript. Please do not incorporate these into the original paper.
10. Papers should preferably be written in Bangladesh context; in case of global or any other country's context, it should better be compared with our perspective.