The credit hour semester system has been adopted in the academic programs of ASAUB. A semester involves 14-16 weeks of instruction. Courses may be of different credit hours. Each credit hour implies at least 14 instruction hours per semester. The credit hour system provides flexibility to the students to complete a required number of credit hours for a program, in which the number of credit hours in different semesters depends on the student's choice and ability, and/or on a semester-based package. However, it may vary from program to program.
The ASAUB follows semester system. There are three semesters in a calendar year -Spring Semester (January to May), Summer Semester (May to August), and Fall Semester (September to December). Each semester will be of 14-16 weeks duration, which will be distributed as follows: 14 weeks for instruction, 2 week for registration and examination.
The evaluation will be based on (1) Mid-term Examination, (2) Classroom Evaluation/ Continuous Assessment and (3) Final examination. Continuous assessment (class tests/quizzes, presentation, term paper/ assignments, class journal, class attendance, viva etc.) will cover 30 percent of the total marks, and the remaining 70 percent is reserved for mid-term examination (30 percent) and the final examination (40 percent).
The ASAUB follows the following Letter grades and Grade point system introduced by the UGC as a uniform grading system for public and private universities in Bangladesh.
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed in the following manner:
A student may earn any of the five-letter grades on the basis of his/her performance in each course. The letter grades A, B, C and D are considered passing grades and also acceptable to continuing of grades. Grade F is the failing grade. The numerical equivalents of the grades and grade points are given below:
Numerical Grade | Letter Grade | Grade Point | |
80% and above | A+ | A plus | 4.00 |
75% to less than 80% | A | A regular | 3.75 |
70% to less than 75% | A- | A minus | 3.50 |
65% to less than 70% | B+ | B plus | 3.25 |
60% to less than 65% | B | B regular | 3.00 |
55% to less than 60% | B- | B minus | 2.75 |
50% to less than 55% | C+ | C plus | 2.50 |
45% to less than 50% | C | C regular | 2.25 |
40% to less than 45% | D | 2.00 | |
Less than 40% | F* | 0.00 | |
Incomplete | I** | ||
Withdrawal | W** | ||
Retaken | R** | ||
Satisfactory | S*** |
Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation but used for the calculation of grade point average.
** Credits for courses with these grades do not apply towards graduation and are not used for the calculation of grade point average.
** Credits for courses with this grade required towards graduation but are not used for the calculation of grade point average.
** In the Transcript/Grade Sheet, only the Letter Grade and the Corresponding Grade Points, and finally, the CGPA, not the numerical marks, will be shown.
The grade ' W ' (Withdrawal) is assigned when a student officially withdraws a course within the date mentioned in the academic calendar for the semester. Prior to that time if a student drops a course no entry is made on the academic record.
When a student retakes a course, the better grade will be shown on the transcript/grade report and the lower grade will be recorded as ' R '.
Grade ' S ' means satisfactory. Grade ' S ' is given when a course, according to the syllabus, is extended to two consecutive semesters and grade ' S ' is given in the first semester to mean satisfactory progression.
A student who has failed to appear in the mid-term examination(s) due to reasons beyond his/her control (Only the cases of illness, accident, death of family members & any other emergency case where admissible), students/guardians will have to inform the respective course teacher & Office of the Controller of examinations within 03 working days of the scheduled time of examination in writing or by Fax to be eligible for make-up registration. No student will be allowed to register for make-up examinations, if s/he fails to inform the reasons in writing to the concerned teacher and offices in time. Eligible student(s) willing to appear at the mid-term make-up examinations, must register (filling up a prescribed form) paying BDT. 1000 for each course within 07 working days of the last day of holding the mid-term examination to sit for the make-up examination. No such registration shall be entertained after the time. Students must submit supporting documents (Medical Certificate for serious sickness/accident or Death Certificate for death of family members* duly endorsed by the concerned Dean of the Faculty) along with the registration form. If approved, subject to valid reason, the concerned course teacher may take necessary measure to hold the mid-term make-up examination within 15 working days of the last day of holding the mid-term examination.
A student who has missed other course works, e.g., assignment, Test, Quiz etc. s/he will be graded on the basis of the assessment of the work completed in that course. S/he will get zero in the assignment/quizzes etc. that s/he has missed.
Absence in the final examination without any valid reason, held at the end of each academic semester will result in ' F ' grade.
A student who has failed to appear in the semester final examination and got ' I ' grade(s) due to any unavoidable reason beyond his/her control (Only the cases of illness, accident, death of family members* & any other emergency case where admissible) must register (filling up a prescribed form) for courses s/he obtained ' I ' grade(s) paying BDT. 1500 for each course within 07 (seven) working days of the publication of semester final result (before make-up) to sit for the make-up examination. No such registration shall be entertained after the time. Students must submit supporting documents (Medical Certificate for serious sickness/accident or Death Certificate for death of family members* duly endorsed by the concerned Dean of the Faculty) along with the registration form. If approved, subject to valid reason, the concerned course teacher may take necessary measure to hold make up examination of the course within 12 working days of the publication of the result of that semester.
The course teacher will submit the result of make-up examinations to the Controller of Examinations Within 13 working days of publication of result (before make-up).
The student has the responsibility to take the initiative in making up the ' Incomplete ' grade as specified by the teacher concerned. If action is not taken within the prescribed period as mentioned above, the " I " grade will automatically be converted into " F ". The students will have to retake the course(s) with " F " grade according to the advice from the Coordinator/ Course Advisor within the next two semesters.
In the event, where the teacher from whom a student received an incomplete grade is not available, the disposition of the case involving " I " grade rests with the Dean of Faculties/Head of the Department or Coordinator of Program.
Re-scrutiny of final examination answer scripts may be permissible. A candidate can apply for re-scrutiny of any answer script of final examination to the Controller of Examinations through their program Coordinator/Director, Chairman of Examination Committee, and Dean on payment of BDT. 500/- (five hundred) only per script within 07 (seven) working days from the publication of result (before make-up). No such application shall be entertained after the time. No such re-scrutiny is allowed for practical/sessional courses. While re-scrutiny such answer scripts the examiner shall re-scrutinize the scripts thoroughly and shall award a grade, within 13 working days from the publication of semester final result which shall be treated as final.
A course passed with a grade less than ' B ' may be repeated according to the advice from the Coordinator/ Course Advisor to improve the relevant grade. The students must retake course(s) securing ' F ' grade within the next two semesters. But a student securing a passing grade but less than B grade may retake course(s) in any semester of the program. When a course is repeated and improved, the previous lower grade will be replaced with ' R ' grade and the higher grade(s) will be used for calculating CGPA. Transcript will show both the grades. There will be no limit on the number of times a course can be retaken but not beyond twice of the normal duration of the program. Students must complete retaking of course(s), before enrolment of his/her internship/thesis/project/dissertation. Students will not be allowed to retake any course after completion of degree requirements (after publishing their final degree result). If a student fails to succeed in a course, s/he will be allowed to repeat the course only in the following cases:
Repeat students will have to pay full tuition fees.
During the period of pre-registration for each semester the Registration Section will keep records of retaking course(s) by the students and shall send that report to the Office of the Coordinator/Head of the Department of concerned Faculty, Office of the Controller of Examinations and Accounts Section for updating information.
A new student must complete registration formalities at the beginning of every fresh/first semester in accordance with guidelines issued by ASAUB. An existing student must complete registration formalities for the next semester according to the time period mentioned in the academic calendar issued by ASAUB. Without any clearance from the Accounts Section and/or any other sections (if required) a student will not be allowed to register courses for the next semester.
In every semester, date for registration will be notified. The students must be registered within the specified date. If a student crosses the deadline for registration of courses, s/he will have to pay a sum of TK. 250/- for doing so. All fees are to be paid at the time of registration through installments or as per the rules and are non-refundable except i) where the university fails to accommodate the student in a course and ii) where a student drops/withdraw from a course as per the Add/Drop and Semester Withdrawal/ Semester Drop Policies.
Course(s) and Semester drop with full tuition fee refund will be allowed within the first two-weeks from the commencement of each semester. 50% tuition fee refund will be provided within the consecutive two weeks after the first two-weeks from the commencement of each semester. After that date but not after midterm examinations, a student may be allowed to withdraw course(s)/drop semester, subject to valid reason but no tuition fee refund will be provided and the student will also have to pay full tuition and other fees when s/he registers in the next semester. ' W ' shall be shown for the withdrawn course(s) in the Grade Sheet. However, ' W ' will not be incorporated while calculating GPA and CGPA. In addition to the course(s) with ' W ' status the student will be allowed to take further course(s) or course(s) of next semester.
If any registered student can not continue course(s) or semester without permission, no tuition fee refund will be provided and the student will also have to pay full tuition fee and other fees when s/he registers these course(s) in the next semester. In case a student remains absent in the final examination only for reasons beyond his/her control, Incomplete (I) grade shall be shown in the Grade Sheet. In case a student remains present in any segment of continuous assessment, s/he will be given ' F ' grade in the Grade Sheet' if her/his total marks is below 40. In case a student remains absent in mid-term, continuous assessment and also in the final examination, ' F ' grade shall be given to her/him. The student concerned will have to retake this/these course(s) according to the advice from the Coordinator/ Course Advisor within the next two semesters. In addition to these course(s) the student will be allowed to take further course(s) or course(s) of next semester.
Withdrawal from the program (semester drop) must be with permission and is allowed only twice, only after the student has completed a semester. Application for withdrawal from the Program must be lodged to the Controller of Examinations with the recommendation of the Dean of concerned Faculty. A student whose dues are not clear will not be permitted to withdraw from the program. A student applying for a leave of absence or withdrawal must mention a definite semester for re-registration and must register within the time period mentioned in the application. A student who does not return for re-registration at the specified semester must apply for renewal of admission after 3 (three) consecutive semesters as per rule of the university. If any student drops out a semester without permission s/he will have to pay an amount of the BDT. 1500 for each semester with 20% of tuition fees for regular courses offered/ registered in that particular semester.
If any student fails to register for the consecutive 3 (three) semesters, s/he will be considered as dropped out student. The cancellation of admission from a program by any student may also be considered as dropped out students. The Registration Section shall send the record/report of dropped out students to the Office of the Coordinator/Head of the Department of concerned Faculty, Office of the Controller of Examinations and Accounts Section for updating information.
A student must attend minimum 75% of the total number of classes held. If anyone fails to do so, s/he will be debarred from attending final examination. Those having valid ground for failing to attend minimum 75% of the classes can apply to the Controller of Examinations through the concerned Dean with recommendation of the Course Teacher and the Program Coordinator for the permission to appear in the examination. In this case the student may be a permitted provided that s/he submits required documents and the case is found to be genuine after examining the documents.
If a student remains absent (without proper permission) from attending three consecutive classes in a course, s/he will not be allowed to attend the fourth class without permission of the Dean of the concerned Faculty.
If a student finds it necessary to interrupt active pursuit of his/her study, s/he must request in writing for leave of absence for a specific period. A student must apply for leave for absence within the prescribed form available in the Program Office. The right to use ASAUB facilities is suspended while the leave is in effect. No fees will have to be paid by a student on leave of absence.
Students are dismissed from the program for failure to make satisfactory academic progress. Students failing to maintain the required GPA (2.0) in three consecutive semesters will be dropped out of the program. Students dropped out of the program may appeal to the Dean/Head of the Department/Coordinator for renewal of admission. Renewal of admission will not be granted without strong evidence of significant change in student's ability to complete the requirements satisfactorily.
A student must maintain an academic standing with a CGPA of at least 2.00 for earning degree. Students with CGPA and (or) GPA of less than 2.00 will be placed on probation. Students on Probation will be allowed a maximum of three semesters to earn CGPA and (or) GPA 2.00 or more failing of which will result in dismissal from the program.
When a student on probation fails to get out of probation within three semesters, s/he will be dismissed from the University. The University also reserves the right to dismiss or exclude any student from any of its courses whenever, in view of the university, such an action is deemed appropriate.
If a student wants to cancel her/his studentship, s/he has to apply to the Dean through Program Directors/Coordinators. In this respect, admission fees of the student are non-refundable. Course fees, if already paid, will be refunded according to Course Add/Drop and Semester Withdrawal/ Semester Drop Procedures and Policies.
ASAUB students who have been dismissed from the University may apply for renewal of admission after three academic years from the day of dismissal. Such applications should include documented evidence that the petitioners have taken steps to improve their academic performance such as further studies at academies or other institutions or taken employment providing them experience and responsibilities which has enhanced their ability to undertake academic endeavors. ASA University will provide academic counseling during this period if requested.
The Registration Section shall send the record/report of dropped out students by dismissal from program by the university authority and by voluntary cancellation of studentship by the student and for academic probation to the Office of the Coordinator/Head of the Department of concerned Faculty, Office of the Controller of Examinations and Accounts Section for updating information.
The university follows modern teaching methods including class lectures, interactive discussion, oral presentation by students, simulation, lab work, case analysis, and field study. A special feature of ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) teaching is the tutorial/workshop/lab sessions designed to assist students in learning application of concepts and theories. The medium of instruction in ASAUB is English.
For the purpose of fulfilling degree requirement, student should be an internee in an organization ideally for 12 weeks in the semester in which s/he is registered.
After the completion of the Internship/Project/Thesis, students will submit 02 (two) copies of report, one copy to the concerned supervisor and the other to the program office within 14 weeks of the semester in which they are registered for and have to face defense on the scheduled date.
The Internship/Project/Thesis defense committee will submit the marks and grade to the Office of the Controller of Examinations within 05 working days of the last examination of that semester. Office of the Controller of Examinations will publish the semester final result including Internship/Project/Thesis accordingly. The final graduate list of that semester will be prepared and published after the publication of the result after make-up examinations of that semester.
If any student fails to submit his/her report or fails to attend the defense on the scheduled date, his/her registration semester of Internship/Project/Thesis will automatically be shifted to the subsequent semester accordingly and s/he must submit report and face defense on the scheduled date of the subsequent semester. Student has to pay semester fee and extracurricular fee of an amount of BDT 1500 for prolonging. In case of failing to submit report and face defense in the subsequent semester, student(s) will be assigned ' F ' grade. Then s/he has to re-take/re-register Internship/Project/Thesis paying requisite fees.
In the semester in which a student completes all requirements for the degree will be his/her completion semester / semester of passing.
The internship program is to be carried out in a business organization/NGO/GO usually in the form of applied research work of the relevant area of concentration. The grade obtained in the Internship/Project/Thesis program will be taken into account in calculating GPA/CGPA.
Degree requirements for any program are as under:
The degree requirements must be completed, including research methodology and internship/thesis/project within a period of actual residency equivalent to 2.0 times the normal length of the program. For example; an undergraduate degree of 4 years program must be completed in eight (8) years from the date of enrollment. Accordingly, a graduate degree of 2 years program must be completed in four (4) years from the date of enrollment. Any exception to the above must be approved by the Academic Council.
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